Where were you all year round when your mother and sister and female friends needed your help or support? What about all the disrespect that you flooded them with? What about the lewd comments that you made to the girl only because she was wearing a short dress? To all those guys and girls, I don't want you to send me "Happy Women's Day" accompanied by a heart emoji today.
To those girls who address other girls as "That bitch", to those girls who body shamed and character shamed other girls without even knowing the real stories, to those girls who instead of supporting other girls, were only focused about bringing down their name, I don't want you to send me "Happy Women's Day" accompanied by a heart emoji today.
With all due respect, to the uncles and aunties of the society, who demeaned the young girls for wearing the clothes of their choice, getting their hair dyed, getting tattoos or for going on dates, but who were silent when they saw the helpless girl on the street trying to avoid the eve teasing and abuse, I don't want you to send me "Happy Women's Day" accompanied by a heart emoji today.
I want to be wished by those who respected women all year round, supported women when they were right and corrected them when they went genuinely wrong.
I want to be wished by those who helped women grow stronger everyday, stood up against the atrocities done to them, reached out to the women when they needed help.
I want to be wished by them who stayed loyal, respected the dignity of everyone, and helped spread love and positivity. Because that is what we should do.
This Women's Day, let's promise to help each other grow, become strong and more and more powerful everyday. Let's promise to never demean a woman for her appearance, let's not judge her for her actions. Instead, let's believe in the power of women, let's work for wellness and promote equality, let's just make this place safer and better for her to live. HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY TO ALL MY LOVLIES OUT THERE! YOU ALL SLAY!